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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2006-09-06
Server Settings

All of the following are edited in D:\muserver\data\commonserver.cfg


Find this line near the top:

AddExperience = 100 ; % of xp per mob

Change 100 to whatever number you want, in my case 20000.

Set Monster HP

Find this line near the top:

MonsterHp = 0 ; Hp of mosnter 0 = 100 , 80 = monster with less 80% of hp ( meaning 20% )

The line explains it.

Set Item Drop Rate

Find this line near the top:

ItemDropPer = 50 ; % of Item drops

Change the 50 to whatever percentage you want (100 = only itmes drop, no zen)

Character Delete Level

Find this line near the top:

CharacterDeleteMinLevel = 40 ; level 41 cant delete char

Change 40 to whatever level you want, I did 350.

Lower Jewel Prices


First of all you need a hex editor, I reccomend this one
Too many HexEditors out there find one yourself.

Hex codes in Gameserver.exe

Bless = A08601
Soul = (not too sure)
Chaos = 409c00
Life = 005a6202

Just replace these codes to the value of the jewel you want.

Use the calculator on your windows system, select Scientific View
add the value like for example:

3 Million = 2DC6C0

invert the hex value:

2DC6C0 = C0C62D

then just replace the hex code of the jewels. save.

Server Addons

Make a Character GM

Go to Enterprise Manager > Database> Muonline> Tables> Character. Then right click on characters and open table then return all rows. Find the row with the character you want, and go near the end and where it says ctl code put an 8 instead of <NULL>.

Edit Character Stats

Go to Enterprise Manager > Database> Muonline> Tables> Character. Then right click on characters and open table then return all rows. Find the row with the character you want,. it will now pull up a screen that lets you edit the stats of character the money etc.

Reset a Character

Go to Enterprise Manager > Database> Muonline> Tables> Character. Then right click on characters and open table then return all rows. Find the row with the character you wantto edit and in the list and put 350 back down to 1.

Add Items to Characters Vault

Go to Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > Query Analyzer. Make sure SQL is on. Once you have the window open, switch to the MuOnline datebase. (drop down at top) Then take the codes and put them in to the text window and put them in.

Very Important: The code must be on 3 lines.

Example (This would give you an excelent. cda in your vault):

UPDATE warehouse
SET Items =
0x46DFFF000000007E04DDFF......you get the idea a lot of F's......FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
WHERE (AccountID = 'name')

Dont forget to change the name part to the account id of the player its going to. Then press the green arrow or f5 to execute the command.


Basic Look at Item Codes

In order from left to right:

0 0 Are the code for the item
11 is the + to the item IE: +11 if it was 6 the item would be +6(+11 is the highest)
255 is the Duriability (255 is the max)
0 - Luck (keep to either 0 or 1 no higher)
1 - Skill (keep it to either 0 or 1 no higher)
4 - Opt 1 -4% 2- 8% 3-12% 4-16% (muliples of 4, keep in in the range of 1-4)


0 1 0 255 0 0 0 //Shortsword+0
0 1 11 255 1 1 4 //Shortsword+11+luck+skill+16

Which Shop is Which File

shop0 - [Lorencia] Weapon Shop
shop1 - [Lorencia] Bar
shop2 - [Lorencia] Wizard Shop
shop3 - [Lorencia] Peddlar
shop4 - [Lorencia] Wanderer Merchant near the river
shop5 - [Lorencia] Potion Girl
shop6 - [Deivas] Bar
shop7 - [Devias] Wizard Shop
shop8 - [Devias] Weapon Shop
shop9 - [Noria] Weapon Shop
shop10 - [Noria] Potion Fairy

Bless(Jewel) Bug

Add bless (or jewel) to shop with higher dur. the higher it is the more money you get back for selling it, 255 is max. (Note: Not recomended on JoL because it's buggy)

14 13 0 255 0 0 0 //Jewel of Bless
14 14 0 255 0 0 0 //Jewel of Soul
14 16 0 255 0 0 0 //Jewel of Life

//Devil Square/ Blood Castle Invitations

14 19 1 1 0 0 0 //Devil Square Invitation+1
14 19 2 1 0 0 0 //Devil Square Invitation+2
14 19 3 1 0 0 0 //Devil Square Invitation+3
14 19 4 1 0 0 0 //Devil Square Invitation+4

13 18 1 1 0 0 0 //Blood Castle Cloak+1
13 18 2 1 0 0 0 //Blood Castle Cloak+2
13 18 3 1 0 0 0 //Blood Castle Cloak+3
13 18 4 1 0 0 0 //Blood Castle Cloak+4
13 18 5 1 0 0 0 //Blood Castle Cloak+5
13 18 6 1 0 0 0 //Blood Castle Cloak+6


14 11 8 1 0 0 0 //Box of Kundun+1
14 11 9 1 0 0 0 //Box of Kundun+2
14 11 10 1 0 0 0 //Box of Kundun+3
14 11 11 1 0 0 0 //Box of Kundun+4
14 11 12 1 0 0 0 //Box of Kundun+5

//Potions (+11 255)
14 3 11 225 1 1 4 //Some Potion
14 6 11 225 1 1 4 //Some Potion
14 1 11 225 1 1 4 //Some Potion
14 4 11 225 1 1 4 //Some Potion
14 2 11 225 1 1 4 //Some Potion
14 5 11 225 1 1 4 //Some Potion

//E-Elf Orbs
12 8 0 0 0 0 0 //Healing Orb
12 9 0 0 0 0 0 //Advanced Defence
12 10 0 0 0 0 0 //Advanced Damage
12 11 0 0 0 0 0 //Summon Goblin
12 11 1 0 0 0 0 //Summon Golem
12 11 2 0 0 0 0 //Summon Assassin
12 11 3 0 0 0 0 //Summon Yeti
12 11 4 0 0 0 0 //Summon DarkKnight
12 11 5 0 0 0 0 //Summon Bali
12 11 6 0 0 0 0 //Summon Soilder

//Other Orbs
12 7 0 255 0 0 0//Twisting slash (DK/MG)
12 12 0 255 0 0 0 //Earth Break (BK)
12 13 0 255 0 0 0 //Horn Attack (BK/DK/MG)
12 14 0 255 0 0 0 //Mass Healing (BK)
12 16 0 255 0 0 0 //Flame Slash (MG)
12 17 0 255 0 0 0 //Penetration (M-Elf/Elf)
12 18 0 255 0 0 0 //Ice Age (M-Elf)
12 19 0 255 0 0 0 //Death Stab (DK)

GM Commands

/move (charname) mapnumber locX locY

map numbers :

0 = lorencia 125/125 (7-140 secret)
1 = dungeon Level 2: 233/126 Level 3: 3/85 (bullroom:119/46)
2 = devias 222/62
3 = noria 176/110
4 = losttower LT1: 208/78 LT3: 86/166 LT5: 130/53 LT7: 8/85
5 = unknown (move makes error)
6 = Arena 63/160
7 = Atlans 24/19
8 = Tarkan 187/58
9 = Devil Square
10 = Icarus (skycity) Start: 15/13 DPH: 47/205
11 = Blood Castle I Start: 15/13 End: 15/94
12 = Blood Castle II
13 = Blood Castle III
14 = Blood Castle IV
15 = Blood Castle V
16 = Blood Castle VI

other commands

/Trace (charname) = teleport to a user
/SetBlock = ?
/UnsetBlock = ?
/disconnect (charname) = disconnects a user
/disablechat (charname) = chatban a user
/enablechat (charname) = remove chatban from a user
/GuildMove = ?
/GuildDisconnect = ?
/GuildWarEnd = /GuildWarEnd GuildName
/GuildWarStart = /GuildWarStart GUildName
/GuildWarStop = /GuildWarStop GuildName
/Make = Unknown.
/RemainTime = ?

Add Custom Gates
//Lorencia -> Dungeon
1 1 0 121 232 123 233 2 0 20
2 2 1 107 247 110 247 0 1 20 //Entrance to Dungeon from Lorencia

//Dungeon -> Lorencia
3 1 1 108 248 109 248 4 0 0
4 2 0 121 231 123 231 0 1 0 //Exit to Lorencia from Dungeon

Take the first line:

1 - Gate Number (make new ones at the bottom with the next consecutive numbers)
1 - Flag (first is 1 second is 2, 0 is spawn point)
0 - Map Number (same as all map #s)
121 - X1
232 - Y1
123 - X2
233 - Y2
2 - Target Gate Number
0 - ?? (direction?)
20 - Level Needed

So you need 2 of these sets for each gate you want to make, 1 to get there, and 1 to get back.

Add the Secret World!
Everyone wants this so here we go.

Step 1
Replace yout gate.txt in the muserver\data folder with this one

Step 2
Download the new Gate.bmd found here and replace the old one in Mu\Data\ and Mu\Data\local\ for the client.

You're done! Now you can warp to the secret world out. Here are the positions for new gates:
60-64 120-121 stadium
62-63 133-134

154 155 tarkan
155-156 232

15-16 in noria

7 245-248 lost tower

So to visit it from lost tower x would be 7 and y would be any number from 245 to 248.

To test it out with some monsters add this to the bottom of monstersetbase.txt:

67 6 30 102 112 -1
150 6 30 90 112 -1
67 6 30 75 112 -1
150 6 30 60 112 -1
67 6 30 45 112 -1
150 6 30 30 112 -1
67 6 30 15 112 -1

It will spawn metal balrogs and balis.

Nobody knows how to make the /move command there yet.

You'll see there are a lot of little places you can't enter, you need to setup gates again at the entrances of all the areas.

Make Kundun Drop Only Excelent Items
In commonserve.cfg change the following:

;Drop rare for Golden mobs
EledoradoGoldGoblenItemDropRate = 200
EledoradoGoldGoblenExItemDropRate = 200
EledoradoTitanItemDropRate = 200
EledoradoTitanExItemDropRate = 200
EledoradoGoldDerconItemDropRate = 200
EledoradoGoldDerconExItemDropRate = 200
EledoradoDevilLizardKingItemDropRate = 200

Change the Number of Golden Monsters
This is in monsersetbase.txt at the very top (I translated the end).

43 3 30 10 10 240 240 -1 2 // budge dragon
44 0 30 182 128 195 145 -1 5 //red dragon
53 0 30 185 132 185 132 -1 1 // taikan
55 0 30 132 83 132 83 -1 1 //death king
54 0 30 183 128 188 135 -1 5 // soldier (davias)
56 0 30 132 83 138 90 -1 5 //death bone
78 0 30 10 10 240 240 -1 3 //goblin
79 0 30 10 10 240 240 -1 3 //golden dragon
80 0 30 185 132 185 132 -1 4 //titan
81 0 30 132 83 132 83 -1 4 //soldier
82 0 30 183 128 188 135 -1 5 //tarkan unknown
83 0 30 132 83 138 90 -1 5 //tarkan unknown

Change the last number to the number you want to be spawned each time. For example you want only 1 golden dragon each invasion change the line to this:
79 0 30 10 10 240 240 -1 1 //golden dragon

Change Kundun and Event Drops

Find these files in D:\muserver\data

eventitembag.txt = box lof luck , box of heaven
eventitembag2.txt = skeleton king
eventitembag3.txt = Fire Dragon ?
eventitembag4.txt = star of chrismtas
eventitembag5.txt = Firecracker , Heart of love
eventitembag6.txt = Gold Medal
eventitembag7.txt = Silver Metal
eventitembag8.txt = +1 Kundun
eventitembag9.txt = +2 Kundun
eventitembag10.txt = +3 Kundun
eventitembag11.txt = +4 Kundun
eventitembag12.txt = +5 Kundun

Important: Don't add new lines replace the old ones and only change the first 2 sets of numbers on each line.

For the kunduns the top half is non excelent items the bottom half is excelent, if you only want excelent items to drop you can change the setting in commonserve.cfg changing the stats at the end (level, luck etc..) will only cause problems because those are generated randomly by the server.

Also note that only items from kunduns will be excelent, the other's will be normal items and the stats will depend on the event item they come from.

So for example you want to make BoK+5 drop excelent phoenix armor, take the first line in the second section of eventitembag12.txt:
13 8 0 0 1 0
change it to
8 17 0 0 1 0

(8 17 is the itemcode for phoenix armor)

Add/Change/Remove Monster/NPC Positions

First of all backup monstersetbase.txt (found in D:\MUServer\Data)

Open up monsterserbase.txt, you get a long list of code like this:

// --------------
// ·Î·»½Ã¾Æ
// --------------

248 0 0 6 145 2 //¶°µ¹ÀÌ»óÀÎ2
250 0 0 183 137 2 //¶°µ¹ÀÌ»óÀÎ1
253 0 0 127 86 2 //²¿¸¶
251 0 0 116 141 3 //´ëÀåÀåÀÌ
255 0 0 123 135 1 //¼úÁý
254 0 0 118 113 3 //ÆĽÃ
249 0 0 131 88 1 //°æºñº´
249 0 20 173 125 3 //°æºñº´
249 0 0 135 135 10 //°æºñº´
249 0 0 140 138 1 //°æºñº´
249 0 0 140 135 2 //°æºñº´
240 0 0 147 145 1 //â°íÁö±â
240 0 0 146 110 3 //â°íÁö±â
First of all think of the world you want to add to (or remove from)

253 Monster/NPC number (from monster.txt)

0 world (list below)

0 Moving direction (0 stays in one place, 10/20/30 moves like a guard and -1 moves randomly like a mnoster)

127 the 'X' position/coordinate (get in game)

86 the 'Y' position/coordinate (get in game)

2 Directory of where it will face

7 6 5 NW N NE
8 4 W E
9 2 3 SW S SE

// Like everything else in mu two slashes are for a comment after it

The numbers for the worlds are:
0 = lorencia
1 = dungeon
2 = devias
3 = noria
4 = losttower
6 = Arena
7 = Atlans
8 = Tarkan
9 = Devil Square
10 = Icarus
11 = Blood Castle I
12 = Blood Castle II
13 = Blood Castle III
14 = Blood Castle IV
15 = Blood Castle V
16 = Blood Castle VI

So make as many lines as you want following these rules and add them to the bottom of monstersetbase.txt in something like this:

240 1 0 1 6 3 //Vault - Dungeon3 Gate
253 4 0 187 78 3 //Potion Girl Lost Tower
253 7 0 26 24 2 //Potion Girl Atlans
253 10 0 9 16 3 //Potion Girl Icarus
253 10 0 41 241 9 //Potion Girl Icarus
235 0 0 122 127 3 //Priest in Lorencia Town
237 0 0 140 139 9 //Charon in Lorencia Town
233 0 0 145 139 9 //Angel in Lorencia Town
238 0 0 130 129 3 //Chaos Goblin in Lorencia Town
67 0 0 132 121 3 //Metal Balrog in Lorencia Town
67 0 0 132 133 3 //Metal Balrog in Lorencia Town

OK now save and restart server (if you closed it) or if it was open go to the 8.ink program and go to Load > Monster Position Reload, wait a sec and you're done, go test.

Some info taken from ~Wolferaizer.

Static IP With a Dynamic Connection

Lots of the servers I've worked on have dynamic connections, this is really easy to get out of the way. First of all MU doesnt recognize the "-" in IPs so DON'T use NO-IP.com instead go to www.dyndns.org register and get a dynamic DNS. Edit all of your IP's (global IP ones) to this new IP. Then from that site download 'DynSite for Windows' (it's what I always use) to update your IP for you, folow the on screen instructions and you'll have a working static IP on a dynamic connection.

Running the Server Off Another Drive

First of all you should change your CD-ROM D: drive to any other letter (not c: and only if it is d by going to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management > Storage > Disk Management then right click the D:\ drive CDROM and click change drive letter then click change assign a drive letter (like F and thats it apply changes and close.

To then setup a virtual drive, have MU on C: in a directory like C:\MuServer\Muserver then go into command prompt (Start > Run > Type CMD and press enter) and type 'SUBST D: C:\MuServer' (no quotes)

Now you will have to do that every time you restart your computer, that sucks right? Not anymore if you do this:
1. Open notepad
2. Type exactly: SUBST D: C:\MuServer
3. Save the file as sub.bat and put it into the start up foler (start > all programs > startup)
4. Restart to test and enjoy

Mu Editor
MU Editor is a program that lets you (or a remote GM) do reg, vault edits, character changes etc..you can download the program off my site http://www.ioplace.uni.cc

How do I connect remotely with MU Editor?
On the remote computer (your computer), you must have Data Sources (ODBC) installed (download here):

Go to start > programs > administartive tools >data sources (ODBC)
On the new window, select system dsn, then click the add button, select sql server, click finish.

For the name put MuOnline, on the server put the ip address of the MU Server, click next.

Select "with sql server auth...", then on login put sa and password (the password of the sa user on the sql server running on the MU Server), then next.

Select "changing the default database" and MuOnline, click next and finish

Now change SQL Authentication (Enterprice Manager > Action > Properties > General > Security) Set it to 'SQL Server and Windows'

Make a new account with all rights to MuOnline and Ranking.

Now go to the MuEditor folder, open the dsn.ini file
Only change the password to the password of the user on the sql server running on the MU Server)

How to Setup Auto Reset in SQL
Open Enterprise Manager (Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > Enterprise Manager)

Go to SQL Server Agent ( Under Managment in the tree menu on the left)

Right Click on Jobs and then click on New Job, name the job Auto_Reset, select the category Uncategorized (local) and select either the user '[COMPUTERNAME]\Administrator' or 'sa'

Click on the Steps tab and then on the new step button, name it Step 1, the type is Transact-SQL Script (TSQL), database is MuOnline, and the command is:

UPDATE Character
SET clevel= ('1') , experience= ('0')
WHERE clevel>349

Or if you use use palyer ranking on website descending on resets you have to add a column called "resets" in dbo.Character and use this query:

UPDATE Character
SET clevel= ('1') , experience= ('0') , resets = resets+1
WHERE clevel>349

*Tnx to fiszol

then click OK

Click on the Schedules Tab and then the New Schedule button, name it Schedule 1 and select the Recurring option and then click on change.

Under Occurs, select Daily
Under Daily Select 1
Under Daily Frequency Select Occurs Every and then put in 1 Minutes(s), Starting At 12:00:00AM, Ending 1100PM
Under Duration select yesterdays date for the start date and select no end date
Then Click OK once and then ensure there is a check beside enabled and click OK again twice

Now ensure that the SQL Server Agent is running by right clicking on it in the left pane and clicking on Start.

Now if a character is to be reset it has to be logged out for at most around 1 minute.

NOTE: If you have max level as 1000 set 349 to 999

How to add Sea Worm and Red Dragons

Red Dragon
Open monster.txt and put this line in it (you can edit the stats):
42 1 "Red Dragon" 100 57000 0 660 720 500 0 820 290 3 150

Now open MonsterSetBase.txt and add him in somewhere

In the client go to Data/Local/ and look for NpcName(Chs).txt.
Look for 41 1 "Death Cow", under that put this line:
42 1 "Red Dragon"

Sea Worm
Same steps just use these:

50 1 "Sea Worm" 100 57000 0 660 720 500 0 820 290 3 150

50 1 "Sea Worm"

Set the Maximum Level to 1000
First look for 350 which is the maximum level and replace it:

1. Opens GS (GameServer.exe) with a hex editor, then search for "837d08017c09817d085e01" (which is not proper hex code should be "83 7d 08 ...")and replace with "837d08017c09817d08e803"

2. Replace "81f95e0100" with "81f9e80300"

3. Replace "3d5e010000" with "3de8030000"

4. Replace "817df05e01" with "817df0e803"

5. Replace "6bd20a8b45f0" with "6bd2018b45f0"

6. Replace "83c1090faf4dec0faf4dec69c9e803" with "83c1090faf4dec0faf4dec69c90200"

Steps 1 to 4 just change the max level settings but steps 5 and 6 change the experience formula.



Why? Because according to the experience formula formula, when you get to lvl 1000 the needed the experience is:
exp=(1000+9)*(1000-255)*(1000-255)*1000+(1000+9)*1000*1000*10=1009*745*745*1000+ 1009*1000*1000*10=560020225000+10090000000=5701102 25000
And the GS can't handle that big a number so the forumla had to be changed.

So now change 817df0ff0000007e338b4dec83c1090faf4dec0faf 4dec69c9e8030000 to 817df0200300007e338b4dec83c1090faf4dec0faf 4dec69c96e000000.

So the new formula is:

Because after lvl800 you would lvl up wierd so this fixes it.







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